Saturday 31 March 2018


Hello everyone..

Next and last entry I want to share for you guys the famous food in Johor. The dish I mean is bubur nasi sentosa No.1 in Johor. There are also famous in johor because many bussiness food on the stall to sell their nasi bubur. Many variety of nasi bubur you can choose according your appetite.I recommend to you alls the best nasi bubur here along Jalan sutera,diagonally across the road from Plaza Sentosa.

The stalls here open at 6.00pm and by 7.00pm the whole place would be bustling with diners. There are close the stall at 1.00am and already to pack up tables and stall. Parking is street side and can be challenging as this is a very popular area for night time casual eating.There are have friendly staff has prepared everything and waiting for the first waves os customers to arrive. With this way,there are will deserve food to customer very fast and give good services.

Next, they are have many ingredients to eat with nasi bubur. Each set of Bubur Nasi sentosa comes with a bowl of plain white porridge,spicy fried ikan bilis(anchovy) with onions, sambal kang kong, salted duck egg,fried peanuts, sambal chili,fried shredded coconut and preserved vegetables. First time, i saw the nasi bubur with others food ingredients.

Bubur nasi sentosa has been one of my favorite street side eating places in Johor since my family leave here. We often had our dinner here after shopping or hang out with my family. Actually,i didn't like porridge because the cooked of rice very fluffy. But after i taste the nasi bubur sentosa, i am a favorite porridge. Nasi Bubur Sentosa are very nice and their tasty very delicious.

Okey guys,if you are favorite porridge or dislike porridge,you can come this stalls and try Nasi Bubur Sentosa. I guarantee you guys will be satisfied and happy to eat the most delicious porridge in Johor.

Yummmy...the best porridge in Johor is Nasi Bubur Sentosa guys. I recommended it.

Thank you because you guys waiting my update about the famous dishes in Johor!!!!

written by: syabellashahril_


Hello guys,
        Continue with the new entry ,we know Kelantan has many various traditional food.So today I want to talk ‘Nasi Tumpang’ in dialect Kelantan we called ‘Nasi Tupe’. The main word Tumpang actually comes from the Malay word 'Menumpang' which is mean occupying the space together with rice. Nasi Tumpang is the one of the unique Malaysian dish .Why I said unique?It is because how they wrapped the Nasi Tumpang with banana leaf and  from the style and shape of the rice.For any foodie traveller out there who want to explore Malaysian traditional food  ,this is must have in your checklist . The locals said that this was a popular breakfast or tea dish and would sell out really fast. Over the years, whenever I when im back to my hometown Kelantan, I would make it a point to explore other places selling Nasi Tumpang. This dishes is not easy to find because the process of the making this Nasi Tumpang is  not simple as that.Im sure that you guys want to know what is inside Nasi Tumpang right? Most  Nasi Tumpang in Kelantan would be simple rice, serunding (shredded beef, chicken or fish floss), chicken curry, eggs, cucumbers and the unique Gulai Ikan or Fish Curry.But today lifestyles,they mostly  change what it inside and do their own version to make more creative.They change and put different dish like prawns, eggs, beef, squid and so on. But at the end of the day, each Nasi Tumpang is unique to the maker as they will have their own favourite ingredients in the cone packet rice.After that,you know what is inside Nasi Tumpang you must to know how to eat this Nasi Tumpang right? there are two main ways to do this, one where you open up the banana leaf and sample the different layers, accompanied with rice on each layer to fully sample the unique taste. The other is where you open it all up and give it a good old mix up.Where you can get this Nasi Tumpang in Kelantan is restaurants in Kota Bharu is the White House Cafe, located in town center. Ask any Kelantanese and they would know of this popular breakfast, lunch and tea cafe.Mostly Kelantanese will come there .

 This is the example of Nasi Tumpang

                                        This is one of the example how to wrapped Nasi Tumpang

In case you guys want to know more about Nasi Tumpang and want to know how to make Nasi Tumpang.

       Okay this is a little bit that i can share about tradtional food in Kelantan.I apologise if what i share that's not detail as you what to know .Im only tell what i know .So i end my blog with xx
  Written by :Nur Syafika


Hi guyss !
Orait now i want to share with you alls next dish in Johor. Anyone who does not know what otak-otak ?What do you want to see how otak-otak.? Who ever ate at the restaurant in Johor would have them will put otak-otak on your dining table. The price of this food is base on how much you eat otak-otak.

Very appetizing right ? it's so nice to eat.

Otak-otak is normally being wrapped inside the banana leaf  and clip using stapler or toothpick at both end before being grilles or you also can roasted on the stove. Other than grilling, some otak-otak might be steamed instead. steamed otak-otak is in rectangular shape with out banana leaf wrapping. In fact, there are various way to cooked these food according to your wishes.

Okey guys, this is video for how to make otak-otak. You must try it !

As a result, it ends up drier and with a more distinct smoky fish aroma. The colour of otak-otak in johor is reddish- orange differents with the other otak-otak out there. Last but not least, otak-otak are served best freshly hot, as we can eat otak-otak just like that or as snack during tea time. Otak-otak very simple dish and  can eat everywhere you want like as park, picnic and so on even in car you also can eat.

You also can buy frozen otak-otak to cooking by yourself at home. I want to suggest to you all where to buy otak-otak at the big supplier company at Johor Bharu. It's is Otok-Otak JB company guys. It is esay to find because this company have 6 branches at area in Johor Bharu that is at Kip Mart tampoi, S Mart Pandan, Kip Mart Kota Tinggi, Kip Mart Masai, TJ Mart Kulai and the have new branch at Teluk Danga. Futhermore, these also have frozen Otak-otak popia, Curry Puff Otak-otak and fish fried. For those who want to buy Otak-otak frozen can buy at there because there have cheaper price from RM20 untill RM50 in one plastic. Frozen otak-otak have 100 pieces  and you also can buy more pieces in one plastic.

Okey guys! what are you waiting for? lets come and visit Johor.. Many food can you eat and taste here. There are will deserve you the best and famous food in Johor.

written by: syabellashahril_



Hello good people ,

        We meet again,and I hope this topic will give you  a little benefits when you read this blog and I hope  you guys enjoy .hehehe yeah .So can we start now?this time topic still about heavy meals .We want to talk about Nasi Dagang.Mostly we eat Nasi Dagang in the morning.This dishes popular in Kelantan and Terengganu .Firstly I think this Nasi Dagang only popular in Kelantan but no.The Nasi Dagang popular in Terengganu too .But people in Terengganu eat ‘Nasi Dagang’ to start their day ,early in the morning.Nasi dagang different because the taste of their Nasi Dagang rice .Nasi Dagang use brown rice and combination of fish curry make the taste superb .A complete dish Nasi dagang is rice ,fish curry,fried coconut,hard- boiied eggs,vegetables pickle and sambaI Basically i dont know where the most popular Nasi Dagang that we can get but when you guys come to kelantan it is very easy to find this delicious food.I always eat Nasi Dagang at the market in the morning but for me the taste still delicious and people that to do Nasi Dagang is from Kelantan.So its still the original recipe that they use.So when I in a semester break last month ,I try to do Nasi Dagang for the first time and guess what my  first try I did it and the taste so good .So today I want to share how to do Nasi Dagang too you guys


For the rice
1 1/2 cup 'beras dagang' (red rice+fragrant rice), soaked in water overnight
1 small piece ginger, finely julienned
2 shallots, thinly sliced
1 Tsp fenugreek (halba)
1 cup coconut milk
1 Tsp palm sugar

For the Gulai Ikan Tongkol 2 pieces Ikan Tongkol, poached in water with 2 pcs asam keping and 1 Tsp salt. Reserve the poaching liquid.

1 big shallot, cut into chunks
1 small piece galangal
7 pcs dried chilli
2 cloves garlic
1 Tsp black peppercorns
2 Tbsp turmeric powder
1 cup grated coconut, blitzed with some water
1 cup coconut milk
1/2 a cucumber, cut into thick slices
2 red chillies, sliced lengthways and cut half
1 tomato, cut into wedges and halved again
Salt and palm sugar to taste

Basically this is not the full of the recipe but I will share a link how to make Nasi Dagang to make you guys understand . 

Thank you for the spend your time to read my blog .I end my blog with Assalammualaikum.Love xx

Written by:Nur Syafika


Hello my lovely readers,

       This new entry is I want to share about most popular dishes and mostly favourite  people not in Kelantan only .The dishes is’ Nasi kerabu’.or Nasi Ulam (Herb of Salad).This dishes is steamed rice mixed with various herbs, vegetables, spices and accompanied with various side dishes.Nasi Kerabu rice its very different with the others rice and others traditional food because Nasi Kerabu rice is blue colour.Why that rice like that because they do the  rice with (Mengkudu leaves/noni) and butterfly pea .We can eat Nasi Kerabu with any side dish. Basic Nasi Kerabu  its can served with this side dish prawn crackers ,boiled salted egg,fish stuffed chilli,turmeric fried fish,grilled beaf and fried chicken.But my favourite when I eat Nasi Kerabu ,I like eat with fried chicken. Nasi Kerabu actually can eat if anyone in diet because this dishes ingredients mostly are healthy.So don’t worry who people is on diet you guys can eat too.Why you must eat this kind of dishes is because The nasi kerabu is a unique in Malaysia. this is a must-try dish for expats and visitors like you. Even though nasi kerabu is of Kelantan origin, it’s available throughout Malaysia. It can be found in most Malay restaurants and upscale dining places in hotels as well as resorts.When you in Kelantan you must find the original Nasi Kerabu  and the taste will not dissaponted you.Okay i will end my entry with this video how to make Nasi Kerabu.Hope you guys enjoy it.See you soon.Love xx

Friday 30 March 2018


Hello readers,
      We continue again in a new entry and still the same topic about traditional food in Kelantan but today is a little bit different .Why i said today topic is different? because I want to share about sweets dessert in Kelantan.Before this I share about heavy meals and now I want to introduce what interesting sweets dessert in Kelantan.If you guys like to eat sweets food lets continue read and after that you  can try to find it .Firstly, the most dessert that I always want to find when fasting month is the name “Akok Keddut” .What’s in Akok Keddut is flour, sugar, eggs, and coconut milk..What I like this desserts is when you eat you will taste the egg and this Akok Keddut have many flavour and I always eat the original.Akok usually cannot keep it long ,when you guys want to keep this food longer make sure keep in the freezer .This dessert easy to find when you are in Kelantan but im not sure if out of Kelantan this food is easy to find it when are not in fasting month.But im suggest if you guys come to kelantan try to taste it and you will fall in love with it.

This is Akok Keddut

               Secondly,the special dessert that I want you guys want to know is ‘cek mek molek’ the names sound funny right?but the taste so good .This dessert is popular in Kelantan and Terengganu .This food made with sweet potatoes and inside this dessert has sugar and when we don’t eat carefully the sugar will melted.When I eat this dessert it can be addicted.
for me and make me want to eat more and more . Where you can get this food ?usually this food sell sometimes in the morning, but sometimes in the evening at the market.

This is that how look ‘kuih cek mek molek’

                 Last but not least, kuih ‘lompat tikam’ is one of the kelantan traditional dessert .This dessert mostly popular  in East coast like Kelantan,Terengganu and Pahang.Maybe any one of  you rarely hear about this dessert because this dessert a little bit difficult to find in other state .In this entry I want to introduce how look this dessert .Kuih ‘lompat tikam’ made with cornflour and coconut milk powder.This dessert has two layer.first layer has green flour and second layer has white coconut milk powder and eat with coconut sugar.In Kelantan this dessert is a little bit  different with other state because this dessert add a special thing which is a red glutinous rice and its very different with the other ,and the taste I thing is more delicious.People in Kelatan eat this dessert all the time and this dessert mostly easy to find n the morning when we breakfast.In Kota Bharu you can find this dessert also in Pasar Siti Khadijah .The most popular market in Kelantan.

This is how look lompat tikam
Okay I will end this entry .And I will continue with other entry and with a new topic.I hope this entry can get a little bit information for you guys.Assalammualaikum.

Written by Nur Syafika


Hello readers,

      Today topic, I want to introduce to my readers about laksam’s.Okay laksam’s is the one of the Kelantan traditional food.Laksam has a special kind of dish because laksam’s noodle is a very thick than other kind of the other noodle.Laksam is the most popular in kelantan and mostly people in Kelantan eat laksam in the morning.When you guys come to Kelantan you guys must search laksam at the  Pasar Siti Khadijah because that place it very easy to find laksam’s.Pasar Khadijah located at the Kota Bharu.Other than that,the most special laksam’s that you guys can find you guys can go at the restaurant by T Laksam located at the ‘Kampung Panji’ Kota Bharu .This restaurant has been in place for 16 years .You guys can go search google .for more information about this restaurant.Laksam’s at the restaurant is the different laksam’s that I ever had now.Because delicious laksam’s is based on how they made their sauce.In the restaurant ,laksam’s sauce that they made is very superb because they put more coconut and fish that make the sauce thick.Maybe for other people who don’t lived in Kelantan laksam’s is the new thing for them but im sure if you guys try the true laksam’s delicious ,you guys must addicted to eat more and more .Truly ,many more delicious laksam’s in Kelantan but I did not find at all.Maybe when I have more I will find more delicious laksam’s in Kelantan.

  This is the picture of the pasar Siti Khadijah for those people don’t know .And Pasar Siti Khadijah is selling more thing other than food.They sell shirt ,wet food and others.

       This is restaurant BY T LAKSAM’S

For those is wondering how look laksam’s.This is the laksam’s at the restaurant BY T LAKSAM’S

      Okay this is a little bit that I can share with you guys.So now I want to tell what it is inside laksam’s that you guys don’t know.

Ingredients for the laksam itself:       

1)   2 cups of wheat flour
2)  2 cups of rice flour
3)  2 cups of water
4)   salt to taste
Ingredients for laksam’s gravy 

1)1/2 kg or a kilo of fish (of any type)
2)    200 ml of santan (I purchased Ayam brand. I small box equals to 200 ml. Mix it with 2-3 cups of water depending on how much condensates you want it to be)
 3)salt to taste
4)1 onion and a couple of garlic

Okay this is a ingredients that I can tell to you guys but how to do it you guys can google and search how to make laksam’s .Okay? I want to end my writing and will continue share about food at Kelantan soon. Assalammualaikum
Written by :Nur Syafika


Hello everyone.. Next and last entry I want to share for you guys the famous food in Johor. The dish I mean is bubur nasi sentosa No.1 ...