Friday 30 March 2018


Hello readers,

      Today topic, I want to introduce to my readers about laksam’s.Okay laksam’s is the one of the Kelantan traditional food.Laksam has a special kind of dish because laksam’s noodle is a very thick than other kind of the other noodle.Laksam is the most popular in kelantan and mostly people in Kelantan eat laksam in the morning.When you guys come to Kelantan you guys must search laksam at the  Pasar Siti Khadijah because that place it very easy to find laksam’s.Pasar Khadijah located at the Kota Bharu.Other than that,the most special laksam’s that you guys can find you guys can go at the restaurant by T Laksam located at the ‘Kampung Panji’ Kota Bharu .This restaurant has been in place for 16 years .You guys can go search google .for more information about this restaurant.Laksam’s at the restaurant is the different laksam’s that I ever had now.Because delicious laksam’s is based on how they made their sauce.In the restaurant ,laksam’s sauce that they made is very superb because they put more coconut and fish that make the sauce thick.Maybe for other people who don’t lived in Kelantan laksam’s is the new thing for them but im sure if you guys try the true laksam’s delicious ,you guys must addicted to eat more and more .Truly ,many more delicious laksam’s in Kelantan but I did not find at all.Maybe when I have more I will find more delicious laksam’s in Kelantan.

  This is the picture of the pasar Siti Khadijah for those people don’t know .And Pasar Siti Khadijah is selling more thing other than food.They sell shirt ,wet food and others.

       This is restaurant BY T LAKSAM’S

For those is wondering how look laksam’s.This is the laksam’s at the restaurant BY T LAKSAM’S

      Okay this is a little bit that I can share with you guys.So now I want to tell what it is inside laksam’s that you guys don’t know.

Ingredients for the laksam itself:       

1)   2 cups of wheat flour
2)  2 cups of rice flour
3)  2 cups of water
4)   salt to taste
Ingredients for laksam’s gravy 

1)1/2 kg or a kilo of fish (of any type)
2)    200 ml of santan (I purchased Ayam brand. I small box equals to 200 ml. Mix it with 2-3 cups of water depending on how much condensates you want it to be)
 3)salt to taste
4)1 onion and a couple of garlic

Okay this is a ingredients that I can tell to you guys but how to do it you guys can google and search how to make laksam’s .Okay? I want to end my writing and will continue share about food at Kelantan soon. Assalammualaikum
Written by :Nur Syafika

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Hello everyone.. Next and last entry I want to share for you guys the famous food in Johor. The dish I mean is bubur nasi sentosa No.1 ...