Friday 30 March 2018


Hello readers,
      We continue again in a new entry and still the same topic about traditional food in Kelantan but today is a little bit different .Why i said today topic is different? because I want to share about sweets dessert in Kelantan.Before this I share about heavy meals and now I want to introduce what interesting sweets dessert in Kelantan.If you guys like to eat sweets food lets continue read and after that you  can try to find it .Firstly, the most dessert that I always want to find when fasting month is the name “Akok Keddut” .What’s in Akok Keddut is flour, sugar, eggs, and coconut milk..What I like this desserts is when you eat you will taste the egg and this Akok Keddut have many flavour and I always eat the original.Akok usually cannot keep it long ,when you guys want to keep this food longer make sure keep in the freezer .This dessert easy to find when you are in Kelantan but im not sure if out of Kelantan this food is easy to find it when are not in fasting month.But im suggest if you guys come to kelantan try to taste it and you will fall in love with it.

This is Akok Keddut

               Secondly,the special dessert that I want you guys want to know is ‘cek mek molek’ the names sound funny right?but the taste so good .This dessert is popular in Kelantan and Terengganu .This food made with sweet potatoes and inside this dessert has sugar and when we don’t eat carefully the sugar will melted.When I eat this dessert it can be addicted.
for me and make me want to eat more and more . Where you can get this food ?usually this food sell sometimes in the morning, but sometimes in the evening at the market.

This is that how look ‘kuih cek mek molek’

                 Last but not least, kuih ‘lompat tikam’ is one of the kelantan traditional dessert .This dessert mostly popular  in East coast like Kelantan,Terengganu and Pahang.Maybe any one of  you rarely hear about this dessert because this dessert a little bit difficult to find in other state .In this entry I want to introduce how look this dessert .Kuih ‘lompat tikam’ made with cornflour and coconut milk powder.This dessert has two layer.first layer has green flour and second layer has white coconut milk powder and eat with coconut sugar.In Kelantan this dessert is a little bit  different with other state because this dessert add a special thing which is a red glutinous rice and its very different with the other ,and the taste I thing is more delicious.People in Kelatan eat this dessert all the time and this dessert mostly easy to find n the morning when we breakfast.In Kota Bharu you can find this dessert also in Pasar Siti Khadijah .The most popular market in Kelantan.

This is how look lompat tikam
Okay I will end this entry .And I will continue with other entry and with a new topic.I hope this entry can get a little bit information for you guys.Assalammualaikum.

Written by Nur Syafika

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Hello everyone.. Next and last entry I want to share for you guys the famous food in Johor. The dish I mean is bubur nasi sentosa No.1 ...