Saturday 31 March 2018


Hello guys,
        Continue with the new entry ,we know Kelantan has many various traditional food.So today I want to talk ‘Nasi Tumpang’ in dialect Kelantan we called ‘Nasi Tupe’. The main word Tumpang actually comes from the Malay word 'Menumpang' which is mean occupying the space together with rice. Nasi Tumpang is the one of the unique Malaysian dish .Why I said unique?It is because how they wrapped the Nasi Tumpang with banana leaf and  from the style and shape of the rice.For any foodie traveller out there who want to explore Malaysian traditional food  ,this is must have in your checklist . The locals said that this was a popular breakfast or tea dish and would sell out really fast. Over the years, whenever I when im back to my hometown Kelantan, I would make it a point to explore other places selling Nasi Tumpang. This dishes is not easy to find because the process of the making this Nasi Tumpang is  not simple as that.Im sure that you guys want to know what is inside Nasi Tumpang right? Most  Nasi Tumpang in Kelantan would be simple rice, serunding (shredded beef, chicken or fish floss), chicken curry, eggs, cucumbers and the unique Gulai Ikan or Fish Curry.But today lifestyles,they mostly  change what it inside and do their own version to make more creative.They change and put different dish like prawns, eggs, beef, squid and so on. But at the end of the day, each Nasi Tumpang is unique to the maker as they will have their own favourite ingredients in the cone packet rice.After that,you know what is inside Nasi Tumpang you must to know how to eat this Nasi Tumpang right? there are two main ways to do this, one where you open up the banana leaf and sample the different layers, accompanied with rice on each layer to fully sample the unique taste. The other is where you open it all up and give it a good old mix up.Where you can get this Nasi Tumpang in Kelantan is restaurants in Kota Bharu is the White House Cafe, located in town center. Ask any Kelantanese and they would know of this popular breakfast, lunch and tea cafe.Mostly Kelantanese will come there .

 This is the example of Nasi Tumpang

                                        This is one of the example how to wrapped Nasi Tumpang

In case you guys want to know more about Nasi Tumpang and want to know how to make Nasi Tumpang.

       Okay this is a little bit that i can share about tradtional food in Kelantan.I apologise if what i share that's not detail as you what to know .Im only tell what i know .So i end my blog with xx
  Written by :Nur Syafika

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Hello everyone.. Next and last entry I want to share for you guys the famous food in Johor. The dish I mean is bubur nasi sentosa No.1 ...