Saturday 31 March 2018


Hello my lovely readers,

       This new entry is I want to share about most popular dishes and mostly favourite  people not in Kelantan only .The dishes is’ Nasi kerabu’.or Nasi Ulam (Herb of Salad).This dishes is steamed rice mixed with various herbs, vegetables, spices and accompanied with various side dishes.Nasi Kerabu rice its very different with the others rice and others traditional food because Nasi Kerabu rice is blue colour.Why that rice like that because they do the  rice with (Mengkudu leaves/noni) and butterfly pea .We can eat Nasi Kerabu with any side dish. Basic Nasi Kerabu  its can served with this side dish prawn crackers ,boiled salted egg,fish stuffed chilli,turmeric fried fish,grilled beaf and fried chicken.But my favourite when I eat Nasi Kerabu ,I like eat with fried chicken. Nasi Kerabu actually can eat if anyone in diet because this dishes ingredients mostly are healthy.So don’t worry who people is on diet you guys can eat too.Why you must eat this kind of dishes is because The nasi kerabu is a unique in Malaysia. this is a must-try dish for expats and visitors like you. Even though nasi kerabu is of Kelantan origin, it’s available throughout Malaysia. It can be found in most Malay restaurants and upscale dining places in hotels as well as resorts.When you in Kelantan you must find the original Nasi Kerabu  and the taste will not dissaponted you.Okay i will end my entry with this video how to make Nasi Kerabu.Hope you guys enjoy it.See you soon.Love xx

                                                                                                      Written by,Nur Syafika

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Hello everyone.. Next and last entry I want to share for you guys the famous food in Johor. The dish I mean is bubur nasi sentosa No.1 ...